Technical New Modernized e-File (MeF) Business Returns Schema and Business Rules are Available.

Technical New Modernized e-File (MeF) Business Returns Schema and Business Rules are Available.

Subject: New Modernized e-File (MeF) Business Returns Schema and Business Rules are Available.

Attention: Software Developers, Return Transmitters and Authorized IRS e-file Providers/EROs.

Tax Years 2023 and 2024 / Processing Year 2024 Schemas and Business Rules are available.

Current Year Schemas and Business Rules:

  • Form 720 TY 2024Q1v2.1
  • Form 720 TY 2024Q2v2.1
  • Form 720 TY 2024Q3v2.1
  • Form 720 TY 2024Q4v2.1
  • Form 990x TY 2023v3.1
  • Form 990-T TY 2023v4.0
  • Form 1041 TY 2023v4.0
  • Form 1065 TY 2023v4.0
  • Form 1120x TY 2023v4.0
  • Form 1120-POL TY 2023v4.0
  • Form 5227 TY 2023v2.0

Prior Year Business Rules Change Pages Only:

  • Form 1065 TY 2022v4.2

Note: If only minor changes occur, Software Developers are not required to use the new version. If the major number changes, all software must reflect the new version.

Please visit the Modernized e-file (MeF) Schemas and Business Rulespage on for more information about Schemas and Business Rules.

Software Developers and State organizations may download Schemas and Business Rules from their e-Services mailbox. To access these files, the following is needed:

  • Active e-Services account
  • Listed on an e-File application with the provider option of Software Developer or State
  • Software Developer must have an associated tax type of 720, 990, 1041, 1065, 1120, 5227.

You may have several messages in your account. Please open all of them to find the set you would like to download. After 60 days the messages are purged. If you have the appropriate role and do not have these files available for download within 48 hours, please contact the MeF Mailbox with the Company Name, ETIN and Schema Package(s) with Tax Year needed.
