Media Advisory CL-2023-03: “A Closer Look” at how the IRS is improving the taxpayer experience, with many more improvements on the way

Media Advisory CL-2023-03: “A Closer Look” at how the IRS is improving the taxpayer experience, with many more improvements on the way

Issue Number: CL-2023-03

Inside This Issue

Today, the IRS published the latest executive column, “A Closer Look,” which features Courtney Kay-Decker, Deputy Chief Taxpayer Experience Officer, highlighting the IRS’s efforts to improve the experience for taxpayers and everyone who interacts with the agency. “During 2023, we are working hard to make improvements and make progress toward the IRS goal of delivering exceptional service every day,” said Kay-Decker. “Thanks to the funding from the Inflation Reduction Act, we now have more capability to create better taxpayer experiences and outcomes for everyone.” Read more here. Read the Spanish version here.

“A Closer Look” is a column from IRS executives that covers a variety of timely issues of interest to taxpayers and the tax community. It also provides a detailed look at key issues affecting everything from IRS operations and employees to issues involving taxpayers and tax professionals.
